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Dear Donors, On this page, we publish updates on the latest developments and construction progress.

New shelter update 2025!

Dear Donors,

First of all, best wishes for 2025!

Last year, we mentioned that we hoped to begin construction on our new shelter at the start of 2025. Unfortunately, things are not moving that quickly!

Thankfully, there have been some positive developments: we have found a structural engineer, and various studies are currently being conducted by the municipality of Oostzaan to facilitate the zoning change for the allocated land. Without this zoning change, we cannot yet apply for a permit, so we will have to wait for that process to be completed. Unfortunately, there have been delays with the research agency engaged by the municipality, and we are dependent on their progress. It’s frustrating, but it is what it is. In the meantime, we are continuing to prepare for the permit application. Soon, a soil survey will be conducted.

On January 15, we will have another meeting with the municipality to monitor progress. Of course, we will keep you updated and greatly appreciate your continued financial support for our new construction. Many thanks, also on behalf of the cats!

Progress update new shelter!

Here’s a quick update of the developments regarding the new shelter. We are currently busy finding a constructor and have made several offer inquiries. Furthermore, we are in consultation with the municipality about the preparations for the permit application. This is now in part being prepared by the municipality and the rest will be prepared by us. The local council will convene in October to discuss our application and give advice where necessary, before the permit can be authorized. A lot of preparations still remain so we are diligently working towards, and looking forward, to the moment that we can put down the first brick. This will hopefully be in 2025 if everything goes well. In the meantime, we hope that we can continue to count on your support and will of course inform you of any new developments!

Information evening municipality Oostzaan

On the 20th of March 2024, we held an information evening for the residents of the Zuideinde (street) in the town hall of Oostzaan. A presentation was given by our architect pertaining to the construction plans and the schedule of the new cat shelter. 

Catshelter moves to a new building

An article by about the new shelter. Click on the photo to go straigth to the article!

The land for the new shelter

Below a photo of the land the municipality of Oostzaan wants to make available to us.

Frontpage Noordhollands Dagblad

On Thursday the 15th of February we appeared on the frontpage of the Northholland daily newspaper with an article about the plans for the new shelter!

November/December 2023

We are communicating with the municipality of Oostzaan as well as the neighborhood regarding the proposed site and building plans. We hope to receive your generous support so that we can quickly start building this unique cat shelter!