New building
The new cat shelter will have several facilities: solitary rooms1The most important new feature of the cat shelter is the facility where we can look after cats individually. This leads to lower stress levels, fewer diseases, a shorter re-homing process, and clearly happier cats! Also, the shelter’s rooms are modular, which means we can adapt the layout to the cats’ needs. If it is better for the cats, we can even merge rooms!, group rooms2Sometimes we take in social groups of cats. The last thing we want, of course, is having to separate these cats. The group rooms allow us to take in various sizes of groups of cats as and when needed. From social cats which are brought to us for re-homing, to cats from collectors, to cats having to leave their homes because of house clearances., a mother-and-kitten facility3Most kittens and young cats go to foster homes so they can get used to different people and home environments. During peak periods, however, the number of cats sometimes far exceeds the number of foster homes and we then need to look after them ourselves. These rooms are specifically set up to provide all types of young cats with everything they need. From street kittens to social teenage cats. The special layout of the rooms allows them to learn from their ‘roommates’. Of course, we hope they really connect there and can eventually have a great future together., and outdoor areas for the cats to go outside and get a breath of fresh air. It will also have a quarantine facility4The quarantine room is a special room where all cats with no known medical history are taken in. We observe and treat them here, and give them everything they need for their best possible physical and mental health. Stray cats spend two weeks in this facility, after which they are moved to the solitary rooms. Non-stray cats leave the quarantine rooms one week after their first vaccination., a medical room5Cats being treated for or recovering from medical conditions are cared for in the medical room. This could be, for example, during recovery after major surgery or during a temporary stay for monitoring behaviour and mobility. No cats with contagious diseases are permitted in this room., and a vet’s examination room. And, of course, all these facilities will be fully equipped and cat-friendly.
You are most welcome to make a donation enabling the construction of a complete room. We can then link your private name or company name to that room as a thank you. Alternatively, you can make a smaller donation which will be used for furnishing of the cat shelter. We are very grateful for any donation, no matter how big or small!
The architect’s drawings are given below to give you an idea of what the new cat shelter will look like.